Having said that the reason I am writing this blog/update is partially due to a request on Social Media and partially so I can recap some things over the past year or so and most importantly so I can look back at this and have a good laugh as I do with some of my original posts. I mean some of them should be deleted but are just too epic, so they stay.
I have a couple blogs that I had written but never posted. Maybe someday those will get finished but as of now are not quite ready - or I am not ready. Whatever it is - it will all be released in my book to be published in 2020 - title to be determined. #kiddingornotkidding
One of the most exciting things of 2017 was my babies!! Lucy (Rhine Maiden) had a beautiful chestnut colt with four white socks and big white blaze on July 26. We are calling him Franklin Delano, following the F name of his sire First Dance - a Leatherdale's Hanoverian Stallion. Roxy (My Flashy Teton xx) had a beautiful bay (I think) colt on August 16. One small white marking on a hind leg - but otherwise just like Roxy, all bay and sassy. We are calling him Frederick (second name to be decided), following the F name of his sire Fairbanks - Leatherdale's Oldenburg Stallion. At this point I think he will stay bay, although Fairbanks is a grey. I guess we will see! Everything went smooth - so I am hoping to have a couple fun young horses to break out in a few years! They will get weaned this spring when I head home from Florida.
This year we headed down early, arriving on December 1. Now heading in to the New Year I am very grateful we were able to come when we did. We got settled in, have settled in to a program, and begun getting ready for some of the first shows of the season. Not to mention the December weather at home was colder than normal. Although right now it's the coldest it has been in Ocala in 20 years...but on Monday it will be 70 again so all is well in my world.
Heading in to 2018 I have some pretty cool sponsors that I have been with a long time as well as a couple new ones! Custom Fly Veils, Dark Jewel Designs Browbands, Equiscentials, Equi FlexSleeves, Animal Connections - Dr. Kyla Awes, Kaeson Farms, John & Sarah Bergstrom, Cheata Sport, and my newest sponsor Antarès Sellier Saddles. I just received my new dressage & jumping saddles that I absolutely love!
Cat leased Hannah up until recently. Over the last couple years she did a couple 1*, an IP, including winning the dressage at Midsouth in 2016. Now she is being leased out to one of Robin's clients, Kendahl Holden. I am looking forward to seeing the two of them compete this year! Hannah turns 23 this year and still proves to be the best first horse ever!
Sammy is taking over the ride on Tyson and will have a blast with him! She also got a new horse, Dawson, from Ireland this fall before we headed down to FL. He is another one that she will have a blast on as well as keeping Stella going! Emma Beckett is spending her first winter down here in Florida with her new 4 year old OTTB mare - Zara. She is a working student for me as well as working AM/PM chores at another farm down the road. I look forward to continuing to help her further her education in barn management, horse care, training, starting young horses and a helping her begin Zara's new career as an event horse.
Hutchy is amazing as usual. We spent last season at Training level and this year will take things as we are ready! I purchased a new young TB from Mikey Nolan this fall, so I will enjoy bringing him along as well! I look forward to a fun and educational 2018!
I attended at Instructor Certification Program Workshop this last fall in WI with Mary D'Arcy. It was a great few days, learning, teaching and more. I am hoping to do my certification later this fall.
I've been reading a lot more, anywhere from books to online articles. All of the clients at Copeland have been nothing but wonderful. We have attended a lot of fun shows over the last couple years - too much to catch up on! Dressage shows, events, jumper shows, clinics etc! We've traveled all over the country and look forward to the 2018 show season.
Last winter in FL our friends found a stray dog, so I took him in, tried to find his owner and after coming up empty handed I neutered him, began training him, had his cracked tooth remove and (slowly) accepted the fact that I had to find an adoption home for him. My sister wanted him so Cat & and I drove out to Seattle to deliver him. My sister Kiki absolutely loves him and he loves being a Seattle dog!
Heidi & Copeland Farms have been nothing short of amazing! I am so lucky to have such and amazing farm to operate and train out of with an owner and boss that I work so well with.
It's been too long since my last blog to include every individual since then but they all know who they are. I have a lot of very important people in my life from family, friends, friends that are family, employees, clients, bosses, my barn wife, my horses, my trainers, vets, farriers, chiropractors, sponsors and more. Thanks to each and every one of you, either currently in my life or not, you have helped me get to where I am, become who I am and continue to help me be a better me. Here's to 2018. Cheers! Here are some photos of the highlights of of the last couple years.

1 - summers on the lake
2 - kisses for Lady Hannah B at her IP
3 - #hutchylovin
4 - Virginia & Mac Daddy in Montana
5 - boating with Denver

1 - Hutchy's favorite groom Cat taking care of him post XC
2 - #hutchylovin
3 - Hanging out with Philippa & Peter Humphreys' beautiful baby Millie
4 - Liz/Chopper & Cat/Denver hanging out at the local Apple Orchard
5 - Hutchy Prelim XC Heritage 2016

1 - Hutchy (3rd Open Prelim) & Tyson (1st Open Training) Heritage 2016
2 - Chopper & Martin
3 - Cat given some #hutchylovin
4 - Hutchy as a giraffe for Halloween 2016
5 - Liz/Hutchy & Cat/Hannah at a Becky Holder Clinic 2016

1 - Hanging out with friends at the 2017 Million Dollar Grand Prix
2 - Some of the crew at Otter Creek
3 - Hutchy enjoying his field at Longwood
4 - Schooling Show crew at North Run Farm in Delano, MN
5 - Liz's biggest fan - Luke Gearhart

1 - #hutchylovin
2 - Liz/Hutchy & Sammy/Stella enjoying lessons at Robin Walker's Maute House Farm in Michigan
3 - Emily, Liz & Julia at Carriage House Combined Test 2017
4 - Lessons at Kim Barone's Raven Ridge Farm in Watertown MN
5 - Kena, Mikey, Paddy & Liz enjoying Christmas 2016

1 - #roadtoroebkes2016
2 - Hutchy jump school at home July 2017
3 - Sammy, Cat, Chris, Grace & Chris at Dierks Bentley 2017
4 - Copeland Farms
5 - Liz's new horse Roustabout aka Quatro

1 - Weds night Volleyball team Shotskis Summer Champions
2 - Grace's wedding at Copeland Farms
3 - Liz & Heidi enjoying Kelly's Casion Royale
4 - Giving the Grouter a kiss before leaving him with my sister in Seattle!
5 - Grouter enjoying the Seattle shoreline

1 - Liz & her sister Kiki loving Grouter
2 - Franklin & Frederick
3 - #quatrolovin
4 - Chopper & Denver
5 - The King Ranch & Pleasureland XL headed off to Florida December 2017

1 - #denverlovin
2 - Hannah's new girl - Kendahl Holden
3 - The most handsome nugget - Tyson
4 - Longwood Farms
5 - New Antares Dressage Saddle

1 - New Antares Dressage Saddle with blue stitching
2 - Emma, Liz, Cat, Deckie, Kena, Mikey & Paddy at the Michigan vs South Caroline Outback Bowl 2018
3 - Liz and Hutchy enjoying the new Antares Jumping Saddle
4 - Up close blue stitching on the new Antares Jumping Saddle
5 - New Antares Jumping Saddle